Welcome to my life
This is a follow on from the blog I kept for many years whilst the family was growing up.
For the back story the please go check out Life Today and see who I am and where I come from and what I have been doing for many years. Well, to the best of your ability because sadly I walked away from that blog in 2014. I am not entirely sure why, but you know how it is? Although I think this post in 2013 explains it quite well
One day you are blogging all the time and then something happens, you get distracted by life and suddenly it is a month later and you haven't written anything, you have no inspiration too either and then it just stops.
I have been thinking about getting this blog back up and running for the past year now. I have taken pictures, thought about words but never actually committed myself to take the time to sit at the computer and create. Life has changed lots since my old blog and suddenly I am in a space where I want to capture life again. remember things and create the memories.
So here I am.
Lots to say and show you but please bear with me as it will take a while to get my new habit in place. I will explain life as I go along and catch you up with what I have been up to.