Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 Now that I have moved back to the family home, I have realised that using the car to get to work each day is becoming expensive.

By the time I have paid for the daily parking ($6), not always guaranteed either! The petrol and wear of the car then I am looking at about $7-8 a day.

Now I only live about 5-7 minutes (about 4 km) drive away from work, in the morning it is quicker to get there as I leave before all the traffic but in the evening I end up taking maybe 10-15 minutes due to traffic, which for the city I live in is not bad, so I really have nothing to complain about, compared to some others around the world (joys of living in NZ with only 4.5 million other people and only 180,000 in my city).

I am happy to walk, which would take me about 30-45 mins but I usually have a heavy bag to carry and I found that this just wasn't suitable and then I had to take other shoes to wear once at work plus you needed a coat/jacket when you start out, because it was cold or raining, but by the time you got there you had taken it off as you are now warm. I decided that I didn't need that amount of crazy stress at 7.30am just to get to work.

So, I took at the bus

It is a 1 min walk to my choice of 2 bus stops and both buses run every 30 minutes. The price per journey is alright and I actually save $1.20 per day on parking costs and guess I save all the wear and tear on the car, plus petrol costs, so a win win all round.

Does it mean I can do a quick stop at the supermarket on the way home? Yes, if I want to walk there and then catch the bus from there, which is totally do able but carrying 6L of milk is not such joy, so someone else can grab the milk!

The extra steps I get in the day walking to the bus stop and getting off the bus a stop earlier and walking up a large flight of stairs to work is also good for me, especially as I am trying to maintain my steps per day.

Guess I will be taking the bus more often. It will take some good planning and ensuring my calendar is up to date and correct, nothing like realising that you forgot an appointment and then realising that you don't have the car to get there! But I don't have appointments too often, well apart from on a Thursday, so I guess I can take the bus 4 days a week, which I will be happy doing, even in the rain (I have several umbrellas)

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Jigsaw Time

 Well, it wouldn't be the new year if I didn't start it right without a jigsaw!

Received this one for my birthday last year and just fancied doing it whilst unwell for a day, about all I could manage. Started it yesterday lunchtime and finished it this morning. Yes, I did parkrun in the morning, starts at 8am, but sadly by lunchtime I was not feeling well.

It was easy to do, as lots of main colour areas to pick out and then it all just fell together very quickly.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year

 Happy New Year 2025

Welcome to a new year. A year where things are exciting and I have plans, not that I didn't have plans in 2024, but they went a little square and sideways and the year didn't go to plan, quite!!

I don't have too many set plans for 2025, just a few things that I want to achieve, and I am happy to go with the flow. If they don't happen then I won't beat myself up about it, but I do want to do them, so will try my hardest to achieve everything.

Looking back on 2024 then it was hard!

My marriage being officially put to rest, although we were both happy about this.

My work got out of hand, and I let it! It caused trouble in the middle of the year and stress leave is not fun at all. But I survived, I went back, and I tried again and finished the year but there are many changes being made and I am stronger, and I am actually looking forward to work in 2025 and being able to have the time and space to achieve what I know I can do and offer.

So how did 2025 start?

I am not a midnight person. I was actually in bed by 11pm. Yes, I know, that is only 60 minutes from midnight, but did I really want to stay up an extra hour, just to say 'Happy New Year' and then go to bed? I only had Steve to say it too and it was not needed, so to bed I went.

However, I did get up at 7am to go and complete parkrun at Cambridge.

It was a special event for me as it marked my 50th event 🎉

This means I have walked at 50 parkruns, which is an achievement to be celebrated. Majority of them have been at the same event each week but a few have been elsewhere.
At parkrun we celebrate all achievements, the next is my 100th event, obviously with parkrun only happening weekly then it will be December at the earliest that I can achieve this and that will mean attending every Saturday! I already know that won't be happening as I have a few Saturdays when I can't attend so it will be the beginning of next year for sure.

Whenever it happens, I will be celebrating it.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last day of 2024

 Has the year really come to an end?

It has been the toughest year for me by far, and that is even accounting for 2021 when I left the family home! More on the final details tomorrow.

As the day was a Tuesday, then for some, it was just another day of work.

For me, just another day of holiday. I took myself off to find a swimming pool I had been told about by my Physiotherapist, about 25 min drive away, but it had a hydrotherapy pool which is slightly warmer and allows for walking up and down, and exercise.

I discovered it also had a sauna and hot pool (all included in entry price). I dipped in the hot pool at the end, but whilst I fancied sitting in the sauna, it was full with quite a few men and I didn't fancy sitting in there as the only female.

I also finished the last jigsaw of the year, number 20

This was a 2000 piece one that I had bought myself. My only struggle was that it was 1cm too big in one direction for my large board! It had to go up the side just slightly. Still totally do able (nothing stops me). It was lots of small pictures so a case of identifying the location and then placing it on the board, then over time more pieces got added and slowly piece by piece got joined together.

Nice to start it outside in the sunshine

As you can see, just sits up the side of the board!

Unfortunately, when I sorted out the pictures for this post, it was already 2025 and I got myself mixed up when putting my name on them!! Thus why some of the pictures have 2025 on them instead of 2024. Oh well, makes no difference to the post.

At the end of the day, I enjoyed doing this jigsaw.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing - I wish you all the very best for the new year and achieving your goals and dreams in 2025

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day parkrun

Yes, parkrun even takes place on holidays, not just a Saturday.

In fact, parkrun takes place 98% of the time on a Saturday, but there are just a few odd days during the year where countries will hold an extra parkrun. If you live in a more accessible country, like Great Britain, then you have the added bonus of a few European country's special extra days too, so you can always do a few cheap trips into Europe and then you can collect a few more parkruns to add to the potential 54 minimum that are available.

Sadly, here in New Zealand, it takes a little bit to get to any other country, well we have Australia close by, but it is at least a 3–4-hour plane ride and that just gets you to the airport!

So, for us, well we will just be grateful for the extra one on Christmas Day and New Years Day.

This year the sun was shining, and it was warm at 8am. There were 341 attendees today and it was a lovely morning to run/walk before the potential madness that Christmas day can bring.

Just a beautiful start to the day with lots of red and Santa hats in sight.

Christmas Day

My boys are now big enough to not be home for Christmas!

The oldest (21), as you know, now lives in another city (over 6 hours away) and the youngest (19) has a girlfriend, so can be here, can be there.

So, for Christmas Day, until Alex came home, there was just 3 adults who were not that bothered by the day or presents. Well, we like presents but we didn't have to do a 6am mad session to open them.

I snuck out at 7.30am to go do parkrun (another post will be about that) and when I came home the adults were up and getting food, so I showered and then had breakfast.

Alex had been working until about 1am, so had actually come into the house, changed and then gone to his girlfriend's house to sleep. According to Grandma, it was like a herd of elephants came into the house at 1am and caused a racket lol.

Although, he did let us all know that he had been there as he made sure that Santa's message got to us....

Shame that Santa takes after him and can't spell, but I will let him off as it was 1am and he had been working for 12 hours!

Ben, well he was actually working on Christmas day so was not even with his new family down there! And he wasn't going to be with them until 7pm. We checked in with him via video call when we had opened our presents.

He looked happy, so I was all happy seeing him and that beautiful smile.

Whilst Steve and I are no longer together as a couple, we are still important to each other and so we do get each other presents for Christmas, birthdays etc

Today, he made me cry, yes, for the first time in forever he got it right!

He knows that I have discussed many times over the years about wanting to take the day long train from Auckland to Wellington. It only takes 8 hours! I don't even mind which way I go, up or down, but I have always wanted to do it (I will write another post about it one day)

Today, he gave me my present and it was a voucher that entitled me to a trip on the train whenever I could organise it. Now I have some planning to do.

And just like that, the happenings of the family on Christmas Day.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 No, we are not in the middle of horrendous weather.

We are on a day before Christmas, there is so much running in my head, I am using music as therapy, and I am easily forgetting things.

I was cleaning around the house; I had the music from Spotify turned up and playing through the tv, I was singing along at the top of my voice, I was moving all over the house.

I got myself a drink as it was hot, put the water container under the tap on the side to fill and then got sidetracked by some lyrics that I absolutely love, went to repeat them to sing again and forgot the water!

Yes, I flooded the kitchen and added to the cleaning that I needed to get completed!

The music that achieved this - Guilty by Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb (1980). Yes, very old stuff but still an album from when I was growing up that I love and can sing along to quite happily and even remember the lyrics.